"We all have moments where we wonder if anyone else feels what we feel, or experiences hurt when we're hurting.
I Love Skin is a social moment about spreading love and empathy."
-Leslie Nesbitt (Founder)
How It All Started
The I Love Skin Movement was founded by Leslie Nesbitt, a successful serial entrepreneur turned social advocate. Leslie’s goal for I Love Skin is to help create safe and empowering spaces for support, equality, love and empathy. The I Love Skin Movement implores the world to recognize that discrimination and biases are social poisons that keep children locked in economic, emotion, and emotional “poverty” even when they have resources available to them to rise above it. It is not enough to feed and clothe a child – they must know kindness and acceptance from those around them. Leslie’s childhood was void of these protections, and had she internalized the poor treatment she received, she may have never had the strength to rise above it. I Love Skin is about ensuring that society’s vulnerable populations don’t have to fight these battles alone.
The concept is simple: When people know that they are welcomed, free from judgment, and will be treated kindly and feel encouraged, they will learn to believe in love of others and will be able to deflect the negativity, inequality, assumptions and biases of mankind.
The world is so diverse, yet it is also so united. We all breathe the same air, subsist on food, and are held together by our beautiful skin. When we start healing from within our communities, showing love and compassion to one another, and creating a world that is safe from stigmas and biases, we will change the world, and the world will change for all of us in turn, creating a healthy universal body that flows with consistency and harmony.
Love My Skin intends to connect the world and create a new era of love and unity. When you see the Love My Skin heart, you will know that you are entering a space where you can expect to be free of judgment. It is a surprisingly simple yet effective formula to create a world where mankind can reach its fullest potential and thrive in the world that is created.
The spark of change starts with each of us – one person, business, community at a time.